Brighton and Hove City Council


Housing Committee                                                   Agenda Item 39 (b)


Member Questions for 16 November 2022 Housing Committee.


Councillor Grimshaw


Are known problems such as rat infestations dealt with before properties are relet and if there are historic ongoing issues with infestations within the structure but not inside the property itself are new tenants notified before a property is accepted?


Supplementary Question:


If a person has made a successful bid and then finds the property to be in poor repair or has a historic and ongoing problem with rodent infestations can this property be turned down without consequences to future bidding?



Cllr Barnett to the Chair of Housing Committee

Unanswered questions

During previous Housing Committee meetings, the Chair or Officers have responded to several of my questions by promising that they would investigate and get back to me later with the information that I requested.  I have still not received any responses, which is very frustrating.

Could the Chair please review the minutes and ensure this information is provided?